
The End Of An Era.

Let’s talk about graduating today.

I’d like to start off with the way most good things start: “Hello! How are you?”I know  I haven’t written in forever and I still am so desperately hard hit for time so this process of very few posts is going to continue for a tad bit longer.I’m so sorry about that!

In a few days have what we call a farewell, which is essentially a formal school-leaving graduation ceremony before all the exams and admission conundrum begins.At the farewell, everyone dresses up to the nines, takes pictures, feels nostalgic and makes several more new memories.As of mid -2017, my schooling, for all intents and purposes is drawing to a close and I have a lot of feelings about it which is what this post is going to be about.


Source: Tumblr


My schooling has made up 14 years of my life( not counting pre-school) and for a 17-year-old that is an awful lot of years.My feelings about being an adult and not a school kid anymore are a plethora of emotions of all degrees and ranges that I’m usually slightly afraid to delve deep into.I’m afraid of feeling too sad, too stuck in the past, too happy or feeling too much altogether.

My schooling has been completed in 3 different schools, all 3 I have different levels of attachment and affection towards, a whole different set of memories from and different people I’ve met and cherished.When I was a child, I considered myself to be the kind of person who finishes their schooling entirely from one place but now I feel very lucky to have experienced three different school environments and places because they’ve shaped me up as a much aware person surrounded by so so many absolutely lovely people, amazing friendships and great teachers.I’ve talked before in my previous post about turning an adult that I suddenly realised time was passing too fast and I had a hard time wrapping my head around it.About this too, I feel that way, I can’t believe I’m a senior and I’m going to college this year.I can’t believe I’m turning 18 and nor can I believe I’m going to be out of high school this year.


Source: Tumblr


Honestly, I don’t want to grow up.Of course, do, but most of me really doesn’t.To someone who’s older this must seem so absurd given how young I really am, but I just want to be a child again, a teenager again and do it all over again because it seems to be the happiest time ever and I miss it so so much already.

I am also extremely excited about the new phase of my life and cannot wait to begin with college.I’m excited to meet the new people, to soak up the new atmosphere and to just live a different kind of life.When I moved here 2 years back, I was gifted ” The Five People You Meet In Heaven” by my cousins and I read it on the flight here.One of the first quotes in that book is,“All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.” This quote impacted my outlook on living in a new city greatly and even now I choose to believe that this ending is my new beginning and better things await me in my life henceforth.




Here’s to every class,every notebook,every piece of lost stationary,every teacher who’s taught me so diligently,every class party,all food we’ve had during classes in utmost secrecy , to all certificates received with the biggest smiles, the music parties during lunches, the swings, the walks around the school, every stage performance, every time I’ve danced in school, all the conversations in the hallways, every time I’ve run a race,the lunches finished before the official lunch,all the excursions and day trips,all the programme practices,every piece of art I’ve made,every school building of mine,all school assemblies I’ve made faces about attending,every competition I’ve been in representing my school, every t time I’ve held a microphone, every ball I’ve kicked, every walk under the trees in school, to all medals I’ve won, every report card I’ve received, all the school bus rides and the drama that ensued inside the buses,all the older children we’ve idolised,all the younger ones I’ve helped, every person who has been a part of my schooling at any of my three schools: Thank you for making me who I am today.I’m so so thankful all that happened.I would not have it any other way.


Source: Tumblr


THIS POST’S QUESTION: What is your fondest school memory? Comment below with  what you think about it,I’d love to hear from you!


By Arushi Singh

In the pursuit of expressing oneself.

28 replies on “The End Of An Era.”

First of all Congratulations on graduation from school and moving to college/univ. Life is the biggest coach one can have and to joy every step- wrong /right/ middle shapes a person outlook. So young lady here is wishing you more and more such congratulations in every sphere of your future endeavours. Fill it with rainbow of brightest of colours and dazzzle one nd all!!!!!! Best wishes Arushi

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Absolutely lovely to hear from you,Uncle! These words made me feel grown up and so young at the same time. Younger because they reminded me of words I’ve heard from you on cards and in person,while growing up. Grown up because of the context and crux of the words coming from someone who is a big part of my childhood.Thank you so much,Uncle!


Your appreciation and enthusiasm is so admirable and uplifting! 🙂 Congratulations on graduating….and, you’re right, your life will continue to reward you with wonderful opportunities and adventures! As for school memories….my fav years were grad 7 and 8 (age 12 and 13)…those two years were spent in a tiny private school in the country–just the thing for an introvert . I loved the vast playground (which included an apple orchard and massive grassy hills and a small wheat field), small classroom size, the books and music I discovered…and it was at that school that I first came across a thesaurus….I was fascinated by it and wrote the most elaborate story by substituting lavish words for the mundane (it was just for me and an exercise in joy). Thanks for asking…. Terrific post as ever! 🙂

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Your school sounds like a dream straight out of a storybook! The thesauras story reminds me of a school assignment I did by writing an essay with alternate words for everything.Needless to say,my teacher had to call me and ask exactly what I had been trying to achieve.Thank you so much,your comments are always a delight!

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Yes, those years were as amazing as any storybook…those were the years I really discovered my love of reading and writing and music and nature….I got a huge smile on my face at the thought of your assignment… 🙂

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i’m not exactly graduating but i had to leave school this year because i’m going to study in what’s called a junior college for my junior year. but i could relate to this on so many levels and the part where you talked about endings being new beginnings gave me an entirely new perspective to look at and made me feel a little better about everything. thank you! absolutely loved this post💖

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