
Where Was I And An Introduction For What’s To Come.

Let’s talk about a LOT of things today.

Hi, hello, everyone! It has been so so long. I’m so sorry for disappearing on you! I’ll explain exactly what I was off doing in the next few paragraphs so I hope when you know you’ll go a little easy on me.In any case,  I’m saying sorry louder and again, for the people in the back.

For the past few months when I’ve gone incognito I’ve been up to two major things. One, those being college forms and results and everything on those lines and two being more interesting and enjoyable(But then I think anything would be more enjoyable that college hopping, as I call it.) a big, long amazing vacation to Western Europe!(Pay attention to this one, it comes up a lot.)

In a more detailed version of events, I’ll explain exactly what I was up to every month that I was gone, what I’m up to now and what you can expect from the conversation that we hold here, though this blog.

In May, I spent the month majorly appearing for what remained of my exams, officially passing and graduating from high school and planning the most exciting vacation that was to come the next month.

In June, I spent half the month in Europe, travelling and taking in all that I could with my family.The other, busier half was spent filling college applications and everything that comes along with that long, gruelling process.(If you’re from one of the colleges I’ve applied to please know that this is a lie and I love the college admission process and couldn’t be having more fun.And also, look at my application again, please?)

Currently, I have finished the majority of my “college-hopping” and am awaiting results so that my college can be finalised and all preparations that go into going to college can commence.The good news is, I will definitely have and be in a college in a month.(Wish me luck because I really really need it ! ) The other good news is, I finally have time to write about the mind-blowing vacation I just came back from and I cannot wait to share it here and document all the amazing memories I have made during the vacation!

So, here is a promise I’m making to myself and here that I’ll try to write something every day.I am going to chronicle the entire vacation day-wise, and I’ll try to post as soon as I finish up posts. I’ll know how much time I need for one once I actually work on one and I’ll work accordingly and I promise minimum one post a week.

Apart from this I’m very free right now to talk so comment, email and DM me if you want to chat! I love to talk to you all!(Email and Instagram account  are on the About page)

THIS POST’S QUESTION: Let’s go back to basics. How are you ,today? Comment below with what you think about it,I’d love to hear from you!

Be a guest blogger on Musings Of A Whimsical Soul: Click here to apply!


Life Uncategorized Writing

Blog Changes And More!

Let’s talk about changes around the blog, new things and a makeover of sorts of the blog.

Hello, everyone! I’m back after oh so long. I’m so sorry for my extremely long absence and believe me, is I was the saddest to be away.I’m unfortunately still stuck in the never-ending cycle that is my exams but I’m done with most of them which is obviously such an exciting prospect!

In the time in which I was M.I.A., my blog completed a year which makes me SO happy.I started this blog in February 2016, a nearly 17-year-old who started writing because she loved expressing herself and found this blog to be the right place for all she had to say. Even though it has just been a year, so much has changed.I’m due to start college in a few months, have become an adult and in the most basic terms, have changed drastically as a person.


This change is what has motivated my ideas for ‘remaking’ the blog. I consider my blog a representation of myself and with the increase in the time available to me, I would love to work harder on the blog and make it more personal, because it makes me so happy to just write on here and interact with the wonderfully uplifting community we have here.

For the blog I had a few basic ideas that I’ll enlist here.But if you pay a little extra attention you might notice little changes here and there, over the next few months.So, keep a look out for those and maybe tell me you see them in the comments! *wink, wink*

  • The first basic idea is to Challenge Myself More, to produce better content, take better pictures, have better ideas, be more creative and write more and more.
  • To Enhance The Communication Process we have here.I consider you all my friends and I know it is reciprocated in the love the blogging community has shown me.
  • To Post More and to Be Regular. Setting up a regular posting schedule gradually as my exams end.

Now, of course, I wouldn’t change everything.I haven’t changed entirely. There are some aspects that’ll stick around and if you will consider this a Musings Of A Whimsical Soul version 2.0.Now, while these are not all the changes I’m introducing during this ‘makeover’ as it a is a gradual process and I will include ideas as they come. For all intents and purposes, and as of right now, around these are the few changes that I’m introducing this time around.

  • Having Guest Bloggers! I would love to have a guest blogger every month just so we can have more variety in content and support one another in this community that has been so supportive of me! You can apply to write by clicking here. Untitled design
  • There will be More Variety in content and there will be more things the blog will have to offer.There will be more content on books, movies, T.V. Shows and maybe even some D.I.Y aside from the usual travel, life, passions and soul-searching posts.
  • Setting up Social Media Accounts! I have made an Instagram account already which you can see here. (@musingsofawhimsicalsoul) I plan on making it an extension of my blog and connect much more with all of you.I’ll share instant travel updates, blog updates and what I’m up to.I will soon set up other such accounts through other social media accounts but Instagram is a start and those are always great!                                                    Screenshot_20170421-232217
  • A blog specific Email! I have set up an email I.D. for the blog a while back that I’ll be checking more often now, so if you want to talk, hit me up.The email is :

In conclusion, I’d like to thank you so so much for sticking around and not giving up on me! I’m very excited for what is to come and hope you find these changes and fulfilling the reasons behind their creation.Please drop any suggestions you have for me in the comments, those are massively appreciated especially now when I’m shuffling things around here.Lastly, I promise to work hard, so strap on your seat belts and here we go!

THIS POST’S QUESTION: What do you think about these changes? Comment below with what you think about it,I’d love to hear from you!


The End Of An Era.

Let’s talk about graduating today.

I’d like to start off with the way most good things start: “Hello! How are you?”I know  I haven’t written in forever and I still am so desperately hard hit for time so this process of very few posts is going to continue for a tad bit longer.I’m so sorry about that!

In a few days have what we call a farewell, which is essentially a formal school-leaving graduation ceremony before all the exams and admission conundrum begins.At the farewell, everyone dresses up to the nines, takes pictures, feels nostalgic and makes several more new memories.As of mid -2017, my schooling, for all intents and purposes is drawing to a close and I have a lot of feelings about it which is what this post is going to be about.


Source: Tumblr


My schooling has made up 14 years of my life( not counting pre-school) and for a 17-year-old that is an awful lot of years.My feelings about being an adult and not a school kid anymore are a plethora of emotions of all degrees and ranges that I’m usually slightly afraid to delve deep into.I’m afraid of feeling too sad, too stuck in the past, too happy or feeling too much altogether.

My schooling has been completed in 3 different schools, all 3 I have different levels of attachment and affection towards, a whole different set of memories from and different people I’ve met and cherished.When I was a child, I considered myself to be the kind of person who finishes their schooling entirely from one place but now I feel very lucky to have experienced three different school environments and places because they’ve shaped me up as a much aware person surrounded by so so many absolutely lovely people, amazing friendships and great teachers.I’ve talked before in my previous post about turning an adult that I suddenly realised time was passing too fast and I had a hard time wrapping my head around it.About this too, I feel that way, I can’t believe I’m a senior and I’m going to college this year.I can’t believe I’m turning 18 and nor can I believe I’m going to be out of high school this year.


Source: Tumblr


Honestly, I don’t want to grow up.Of course, do, but most of me really doesn’t.To someone who’s older this must seem so absurd given how young I really am, but I just want to be a child again, a teenager again and do it all over again because it seems to be the happiest time ever and I miss it so so much already.

I am also extremely excited about the new phase of my life and cannot wait to begin with college.I’m excited to meet the new people, to soak up the new atmosphere and to just live a different kind of life.When I moved here 2 years back, I was gifted ” The Five People You Meet In Heaven” by my cousins and I read it on the flight here.One of the first quotes in that book is,“All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.” This quote impacted my outlook on living in a new city greatly and even now I choose to believe that this ending is my new beginning and better things await me in my life henceforth.




Here’s to every class,every notebook,every piece of lost stationary,every teacher who’s taught me so diligently,every class party,all food we’ve had during classes in utmost secrecy , to all certificates received with the biggest smiles, the music parties during lunches, the swings, the walks around the school, every stage performance, every time I’ve danced in school, all the conversations in the hallways, every time I’ve run a race,the lunches finished before the official lunch,all the excursions and day trips,all the programme practices,every piece of art I’ve made,every school building of mine,all school assemblies I’ve made faces about attending,every competition I’ve been in representing my school, every t time I’ve held a microphone, every ball I’ve kicked, every walk under the trees in school, to all medals I’ve won, every report card I’ve received, all the school bus rides and the drama that ensued inside the buses,all the older children we’ve idolised,all the younger ones I’ve helped, every person who has been a part of my schooling at any of my three schools: Thank you for making me who I am today.I’m so so thankful all that happened.I would not have it any other way.


Source: Tumblr


THIS POST’S QUESTION: What is your fondest school memory? Comment below with  what you think about it,I’d love to hear from you!