Books Movies The Beginner's Guide To Understanding Fangirls

The Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Fangirls.(1)


Lets talk about fangirls(and fanboys)today.

We all know them. That one friend of ours who doesn’t believe in the concept of ‘liking’ things and is a perpetual ‘obsesser’. They speak a queer tongue, go from happy to sad in a nanosecond, let out screams and shrieks without warning, spend unhealthy amounts of time on the internet and completely befuddle the rest of us, the ‘normal’ human beings.I, as a representative of the aforementioned ‘species’ am happy to introduce this series aimed at understanding your friendly(They are, if you do it right)neighbourhood fangirl.



A rabid breed of human female who is obsessed with either a fictional character, book series, movie, band, singer or an actor or even, food. They are similar to the breed of fanboys. Fangirls congregate on the internet, in concerts, at conventions and at book stores.


How to identify a fangirl?

Now that you know what a fangirl is, it’s time to apply that knowledge. The following are a few indicative factors to identify a fangirl :-

  1. Speaking in incomplete sentences(I can’t even) and using absurd words.(Ship.)
  2. Shrieking, screaming or crying incessantly, without warning and for no huge reason.
  3. Heavy and unhealthy usage of the internet.
  4. Them being too ‘busy ‘to go out while they are home doing seemingly nothing.
  5. Being slightly(varying amounts of slightly, that is) excited about most things.
  6. Staying up late at night to finish books.
  7. Their rooms being a shrine to their object of affection.(It’s a whole new world there.)
  8. Them being very attached to said shrines.
  9. Them owning clothing and accessories to do with their affections and obsessions.
Now that you know that the girl you thought was weird is a fangirl, your question obviously is, how do I understand her, get to know her and be social with her?
This is exactly what I aim to help you achieve through this series. Upcoming will be sections on understanding their language, how to deal with their erratic emotions and more.
Stay tuned and embrace your inner fangirl ( or fanboy)!

For the next post in the series click here.

By Arushi Singh

In the pursuit of expressing oneself.

36 replies on “The Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Fangirls.(1)”

Haha, I absolutely love this post and your blog! I’m getting excited to read whatever you post in the future! Thanks for following my blog by the way. 🙂

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Being a student of life, and people and general stuff, I’ve certifiably been launched on a quest to discover whether or not I myself am a fanboy. And, to learn more about this remarkable phenom. Though I’m known to be highly excitable and passionate about every concept that comes down the pike, it makes for an adventurous life. Kudos, you get an A+ for originality. ☺

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Enjoyed reading the checklist, and I’m especially intrigued to find out more language (ship?!). I always thought I was borderline fangirl but think I’ve still got things to learn! Look forward to reading more. And cheers for the follow btw 🙂

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Hahaha! This made me laugh because I’m a fangirl and it’s all super true. I’m so excited to read more of this! Keep up the good work. (:

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Ah this! Being a fangirl myself, I find this guide absolutely awesome! People need to know about fandoms.. I mean, we’re a force to reckon with, I suppose! Love your blog, by the way! And thank you for dropping by and checking mine!

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