
Why I Love Travel.

Let’s talk about travel today.

Lately,I’ve been getting horribly jittery because I’m in dire need of a vacation,of going to a new place and exploring it.It’s quite impossible to take a holiday these days for me due to my extremely busy schedule so I decided to take all my pent-up travel frustration and make a post about travel and just think and talk about why I love travelling so much.

Buddhist flags at Sikkim,India.The picture was taken by me.

If you’ve been following my blog a little while,you might have seen me do quite a few travel posts.I enjoy doing those, as it helps me in  reminiscing about my holidays and preserving the memories forever,or however long the internet exists.Simply put,I love travelling.I am quite an impatient and adventurous person and someone who really enjoys adrenaline rushes,(My first post was actually about this, click here to read that) so for me travelling is one of the best activities there is.It makes me happy to meet new people ,see new places,learn new languages.As John Green has aptly said, seemingly about me,”I am in love with places I’ve never been to and people I’ve never met.”

Chang La Pass,Ladakh,India.The picture was taken by me.

Travelling makes me a different kind of happy,that nothing else can ever do.All parts of  it; the getting to the place,the walking around,the newness,the beautifully unique things that make that place what it is, are things I absolutely adore.For me,travelling gives me a high that lasts for quite a while,leaving me cheerier,happier,fresher and just all round more positive with a new perspective on life and making me a person  quite different from the one I was.

Sikkim,India.Taken by me too.

I love the new flora and fauna,the new food,the new faces and the new atmosphere.I yearn to see so much of the world,to learn so many languages,to learn about so many cultures and just explore the world,for it is quite a beautiful place and there’s so much of it to see.I have just started on really seeing the world,I’m young and the world is a huge huge place and I want to continue it all my life.I really truly and deeply hope to be able to do that in life,I consider it one of my dreams and goals for when I have grown up to see the world ,to travel,to explore and to really just live life to the fullest.

At Darjeeling,West Bengal,India. Taken by me.

When I go on a vacation,my biggest lookout is for some experience that belongs just to that place,something that cannot possibly belong to some other place,the thing that only that place has to offer because that is what makes travel so amazing for all the travel lovers.These little moments that make you realise your worthlessness,or worthfulness,whichever way you look at it, and just how much of a miracle it is that you,in all your behaviours,features, with all your experiences and quirks have come to exist. It is a beautiful realisation and a lesson in humility that though needed, doesn’t hit you quite often,so if looking at a mesmerizing sunrise(My post about it is here) or parasailing (My post about that is here.)above the world can make you realise that then really, my inner voice asks me ,why not? Why not see this gorgeous world we came to exist in through that special crossing of stars? Why not love the thrill,the action that travel brings? Why not travel?

Early morning in Sikkim,India.Taken by me.

THIS POST’S QUESTION: Do you like to travel?If so,why? Comment below with what you think about it,Id love to hear from you!

By Arushi Singh

In the pursuit of expressing oneself.

12 replies on “Why I Love Travel.”

Why I like to travel: 1. People are awesome! Travel facilitates meeting many differing types. 2. The food! I love to eat, as my ever expanding waistline can attest. And trying the foods of various cultures is wonderful. 3. I love to see the natural wonders of the world—all the waterways, falls, cliffs, mountains and forests, caves, etc. Yes I love travelling ☺.

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Having been born and raised in Japan (and having lived here for 50 of my 68 years) travel is a given for me. However, some people only travel physically, and not mentally and emotionally. There’s a reason why it’s called “going abroad”: genuine travel broadens you in all the right ways (and if the food is too good, in other ways too)!

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