Bullet Journaling Life

The Start Of My Bullet Journaling Experience.

Let’s talk about Bullet Journaling today.


Let’s begin with answering the burning question.WHERE WAS I?

I’ll be honest. Life caught up with me. I was busy navigating dorm life, University, adapting to a new study pattern, coping with all the new subjects, building myself an identity in said university and living in a new place. I ran out of time to devote to things I loved to do.

Don’t get me wrong. I love University. It just gets a little too much to handle at times. Thus, I read less and less, till I barely read anymore, watched less and less movies till I watched none anymore, and the worst part, wrote less and less till I barely wrote anymore. It takes its toll. As happy as I was with my new life, I still felt frustrated because I couldn’t do things I liked to do as much as I would like to.

This is when I found Bullet Journaling. I found some journal spreads on Instagram and then looked into Bullet Journaling and saw it be the ultimate tool to the time-management and organisation I crave and desperately need in my life with an outlet to my creativity that would refresh and re-energize me.

According to the amazingly helpful ,” The Bullet Journal is a customizable and forgiving organization system. It can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and diary, but most likely, it will be all of the above. It will teach you to do more with less. ”   Basically, a Bullet Journal is an all-in-one planner system, that can be whatever you want and need it to be.

I then started compiling all the ideas and things I definitely needed in my Bullet Journal and organizing my goals and dreams for 2018 in my head. I told my family and friends about my ideas, which were received warmly and with lots of love which I’m extremely grateful for. Now, all I needed was the stationary and a start. (And a Journal but that’s a tad too obvious!)

These gorgeous spreads are courtesy of (L to R) the folks at Lazy Genius Collective  and I was greatly inspired by them, though I’m hardly talented enough to produce anything similar!

Deciding on when to start was the boggling one. The stationary I only had to buy, really. I had always considered the concept of New Year’s Resolutions silly because no one really followed them two, maximum three weeks past New years and it seemed pretty desperate. But, now, as an ‘ adult’, I saw the charm of the new year, a fresh start, an opportunity to begin over.(The adult is in quotes because my being an adult is a highly debatable thing to me,)So, it was decided. I would start Bullet Journaling from January 1st,2018. Then, I was lucky enough that my parents gave me a Vintage Journal and different sorts of stationary as a Christmas present this year, knowing I meant to use those from New Years.

My Starter Pack: A Vintage notebook,AddGel Little Artist Brush Pen set, Faber-castell highlighters(Yellow, Orange and green), Pentel Roller-Gel Pen set and Uni-Ball Sigo Pens(Silver, White and Gold)

Hence, I’m all set to dive into Bullet Journaling. Today is the 28th of December where I live, and I have been and will continue to ready my journal, to be used in the upcoming year.Since it’s only my first time around, I may falter, I may make mistakes and I might fail.But, I’m including you guys on my little “BuJo” (As it is affectionately called in the Bullet Journal community) journey so you can help out this not-so-artistic novice and keep me accountable.So I’ll make a few Bullet Journaling related posts this year (Fingers crossed) and you’re most welcome to join in!

Lastly, I would like to wish you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from my side. I hope you that this holiday season onward, positivity and goodwill abound in your life!

A Watercolor painting and brownie courtesy of my mother.

THIS POST’S QUESTION: Do you have a Bullet Journal? If yes,what tips/suggestions do you have for a first time Bullet Journal-er like me? Comment below with what you think about it,I’d love to hear from you!

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17 replies on “The Start Of My Bullet Journaling Experience.”

I’ve been bullet journalling for over a year now and I have had my ups and downs with it but ultimately I love it! Just make sure to not stress that yours should be as pretty or professional as Instagram, your bujo is YOURS and it’s to make your life easier not harder. Don’t be afraid to experiment with spreadsā€”I change my spreads probably on a monthly basis because I just have new requirements. You also don’t have to keep up with it everyday, which you might feel pressure for seeing the online community. Use it whenever you require it.
And yeah, that’s all that comes to mind now. I hope the system works out great for you!

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Quite honestly,I was intimidated by the spreads on Instagram because those seem to be so artistic and perfect and that seems so impossible to me!
The changing spreads sounds amazing because each month is different and you have different needs at different times,thank youšŸ˜
Thank you so much for all your suggestions,help and sharing your thoughts,Sumedha! It is very appreciated :’)


Thank you! I really needed this! I have been desperately trying to make my spreads very gorgeous and aesthetic and realized that it was talking up a lot of my mental energy! So,now we work on it being productive enough for me :’)

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I totally understand! Some have the ability to do that (me-not so much haha) but I do what I can! Just make sure it remains fun and doesnā€™t become a chore.

I actually made a blog post about how I plan, you can check it out for ideas! Seriously no pressure though, please donā€™t feel obligated to look, I personally always find it helpful to look at what others do ā˜ŗļø

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Oh,that was me for the last many years! Trust me,its such a massive help and you just need to take the plunge once because then the positive impact makes you want to continue. Hope you’ll join the community soon,Wendy,thanks for commentingšŸ˜Š


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