
20 Things I Want In Life.


Let’s talk about awards,blogging and me today.

Its been about 9 months since I have been blogging.Since then,we (Who are approaching 700 numerically,woah!) have been talking about a variety of subjects ranging from literature to travel memoirs.I say we,because while I’m the one behind the post,you all ,in the comments are the ones who make this experience more than just having a diary.Thank you so much.

Over these months,I’ve been nominated for a few awards by you all.It makes me feel so glad and it’s such an honour.Now,since I’m stuck for time and also lazy,I wanted to do something as a thank you for nominating me for those awards,giving me great feedback and suggestions and giving me so much love.

As I was mulling over what to do,I came across a notebook of mine with a list I’d made when I’d just started the blog.It was a list of 20 things I wanted in life.I loved how a list only 7-8 months old could make me feel warm , fuzzy and so happy.Since most awards require me to either answer questions about myself or reveal some facts about me I figured that since this list gives you a great insight into me,this would be the best thing to commemorate all this time together.So, without further ado,here it is transcribed into a set of 0 and 1’s.(That is,typed out and in front of your eyes,digitally.)


  1. Write regularly.Work hard on the blog.dsc_0135
  2. See the world.Travel.dsc_0890
  3. Become better at photography.
  4. Have a photo wall with photos of all places you’ve been to.
  5. To be able to donate something,anything regularly.
  6. Continue sketching and hone it.Have an art wall in my house.(I have a thing with decorated themed walls.I’ll talk about it in some other post)
  7. A better and deeper understanding of people.(More so my own gender!)
  8. Have at least one dog.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          cute_dog
  9. To be safe and healthy.
  10. A house facing the ocean.(I also have a thing about beaches and the ocean.This sounds like an impractical but charming idea.)dsc_0350
  11. Try video blogging or blogging,as it is called.
  12. Have a job which requires creativity,ingenuity and for me to fully express myself.
  13. Decorate the house with travel knick -knacks.
  14. A more accepting society that believes in equality and is averse to any and all forms of discrimination.
  15. Maturity with a sense of fun and adventure.
  16. To have my moral compass in the right place.
  17. To not be afraid to speak out for what is right and what is wrong.
  18. A safer world.
  19. To keep learning new things ,new skills try new things and have new experiences  every day.
  20. Maintain and hone my optimism and have the courage to take life and its many challenges head-on and in a positive manner.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     dsc_0134

    THIS POST’S QUESTION: What is one thing you really want in life? Comment below with what you think about it,I’d love to hear from you!